Welcome to The Waking Dream!

The Waking Dream


There are several I Ching sites www.ichi-ng.com , www.astrologyiching.com , www.ichingastrology.com  , www.iching-hexagrams.com

For information about astrology classes go to www.rasa.ws

To order a consultation with Robin Armstrong go to www.iastrostore.com

For monthly astrology predictions by Robin Armstrong go to www.iastro.com

For information about the RASA International Astrology Scholarships go to www.rasa.ws

For the astrology store go to www.iastrostore.com

For the Celestial Harp go to www.thecelestialharp.com

For Forest Woodhenge go to www.forestwoodhenge,com

For Music of the Spheres go to www.musicofthespheres.net

May you be blessed and guided by heaven!